Well it's Miracle Whip really and I put it on my face last night. I've noticed that my skin has been really dry and I've been getting a lot of blemishes. So I thought I'd do a little research to find some home remedies for facial care. I'm tired of spending an arm and leg on skin products that just don't really help the issues. (I also don't have extra cash just laying around right now.)
I found several websites promoting Miracle Whip has a facial, so I thought I would try it out last night. I spread it all over my face in a fairly thick layer and left it there while I watched Iron Chef. It smelled like tartar sauce and kind of tingled while it dried. I should have spread on a more even layer. Most of it had melted/dried and became translucent. I washed it off after approximately 30 minutes (may have been a little longer). My face was very smooth and soft, but my skin burned and it was definitely red. I put some mosituriser on and went to bed.
Today my face is soft, but it still itches and it's red. How can my skin be allergic to something I can eat? Maybe I should have used regular Miracle Whip, I only had the Light stuff.
Have you ever tried this? What were your results?